Get Involved


Esperanza has vacancies in the following areas (below), people can come and serve with us in a short or longer-term capacity.

Please note, these are all voluntary positions and no money, or transport costs are paid for your involvement.

For people joining us from outside of Chad, training is organised to prepare and equip you for your service, with our global family World Horizons.

Please get in touch for more information and an application form.

  • Church Planters & Evangelists
  • Language Teachers
  • Literacy Programme Developers
  • Linguists & Bible Translators
  • Administrators to help with organisation and facilitate visitors to the country
  • Children & Youth Workers
  • Women’s Ministry Leaders
  • Arts & Crafts Teachers
  • Bible & Theological Teachers
  • Entrepreneurs & Business Professionals
  • Vocational Trainers: Plumbing, Electrical, Carpentry, etc.
  • Sustainable Development Workers: Water, Agriculture, Fishing & Livestock Management
  • Medical Professionals

* A knowledge of French is helpful, but not necessary. Longer-term workers are required to learn the local language – Chadian Arabic.


We have a number of partnerships with churches in Brazil, UK and France.

Please contact us if you are interested in investing in our ministry.