About Us
Esperanza means ‘Hope’ in French. We believe Jesus is the hope of the world and our goal is to share this hope in Chad and beyond through our words and actions.
Chad is home to some 15 million people and is one of the *poorest nations on earth challenged by desertification, locust infestations and drought. According to the World Food Program, ‘Around eighty percent of the population depends on subsistence farming and herding for their livelihoods.’
As Chadians and friends of Chad our, hearts are deeply moved by the needs in the nation. As followers of Jesus we are motivated to meet these needs through prayer, church-planting, training and social action projects that empower the poor.
Esperance workers are all volunteers knitted together by their commitment to God and love for Chad and its 200 people groups.
* Chad’s HDI (Human Development Index) is ranked 186 out of 188 countries and territories. Source: UN Human Development Report http://hdr.undp.org/en/countries/profiles/TCD

‘In His name the nations will put their hope’
The Gospel of Matthew 12:21
Our History
The association began informally in 2002. A group of friends from different nations, who all love Chad gathered together to pray; asking God what they could do to help His church and bless the nation.
Work began with the establishment of a training centre and language school through partnership with local churches. By 2016 an officially recognised evangelical association was born and named World Horizons Chad.
So far, in partnership with other groups, we have established over 30 house churches and many Chadian’s have been trained for mission work.
Where we work
World Horizons Chad headquarters are in the capital N’Djamena below the country’s largest lake, Lac Tchad. A base and theological training school are being developed in the south of the country in Moundou.
In the North of the country we have sent short-term teams to remote tribes and enjoy friendship with the Amburro people.
We have connections with the church in Cameroon, where we have planted several house churches. In the future, we aim to send workers to serve in neighbouring nations and beyond.

How we work
Everything starts and finishes with a prayer
Jesus was confronted by crowds of people and their many needs during his time on earth. Like Him, we always pray for the people before us and ask God for His strategy to help them. We seek God’s wisdom for our work and ministry direction, trusting that His Holy Spirit to empower us for all the tasks He sets before us.
Every worker with Esperance depends on a strong relationship with God, to sustain them in their life and service. As a team we regularly worship and pray together.
We seek to love God and give glory to Him in all we do.
An integrated approach
We believe our God is a God of redemption, reconciliation and restoration. We long to see people made whole; spiritually, emotionally and physically: reconciled to God and if needed, people.
We work through medical, educational and agricultural programmes to meet people’s physical needs.
- We establish women’s and children’s projects to ensure the vulnerable in society are cared for, befriending them and caring for their emotional needs.
- We care for people’s spiritual well-being, offering bible study, prayer and more intensive training for those feeling called to use their gifts to establish churches where there is as yet no church.
Maintaining an attitude of hope
Whilst Chad is one of the poorest nations in the world, many people have found steady employment in the country, allowing them to send remittances to their families in neighbouring nations.
We see potential in Chad and aim to celebrate the positives of this great nation and its diverse peoples. We are believing for great things from God in our work.
Loving & respecting people
We love and help people regardless of their faith, gender or age and respect their right to choose to follow Jesus or not.
Finance and operations
World Horizons Chad is resourced through kind gifts and contributions from individuals and churches and income through social works. An executive board overseas the charities operations and accounts are regularly reviewed. We aim to be professional and transparent in our stewardship of monetary funds.
All staff members of the mission are volunteers, committed to raising their own living costs
and are not paid a salary.